Thursday, September 23, 2010

“Welcome to Walmart”

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Ecclesiastes 9:10

In the more cynical chapter of his life, Solomon spouted a few positives out of the decay of a negative. “Work hard now, because when you’re pushing up daisies you won’t need to work, plan, know or understand.” Aren’t you glad he gave us so much to look forward to? Death and taxes, we get it.

But, think about this. What’s the sense of an unfriendly greeter at Walmart? Seriously. You don’t want to encounter Eeyore at the front door. They’ve brightened up the stores, but it still feels like the grapes of wrath in there. Greet with all of your might, man. America needs it.

Everyone wants their life to count. I’m not sure that most people know how to get there. It doesn’t seem to be a very direct path.

What are you doing these days that’s bearing fruit? You know I didn’t move to Greenville, SC to write devotionals or organize BrookwoodU classes or start BWomen, the MOB, the Brookwood Business Network, the Point, Impact, PrimeTime or Brookwood Young Couples. I am here to get you into a small group. Now, 62% of you are in a group. The rest of you, please make my joy complete, get in a group already.

What has surprised me is that out of everything I do, I like writing these devotionals the most, and you, hopefully like reading them. People will stop me every week and tell me how a devotional has helped them. In fact, last night I was sitting next to a guy at the MOB who said, “I didn’t mean to read your devotional the other day. I was on another site and accidentally ended up on your blog. I started reading, and it was exactly what I needed to hear.” I think that was a compliment. I got a kick out of it anyway.

As a child, no one aspires to middle management. I’m not sure that most aspire to be greeters at Walmart. In my house, the aspirations are toward being spies, superheroes, pastors and forensic scientists. (I’m sure that superhero was just thrown in there to humor me).

So, here you are, however many years later. What are your hands finding to do? How can you be the best at what it is that you do? Your job, your marriage, your friendships, your family, your neighborhood – what would put you on top? Not for the sake of pride, but for the sake of truly living.

Maybe we just need to plaster a smile on our face and cheerfully say, “Welcome to Walmart. Would you like to have a buggy?” (See I’m catching on, even if it is a cart).

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