Monday, September 14, 2015

Personal Update

Hey Folks,

Thanks for faithfully reading the daily devotionals and financially supporting the Galatians 4:19 Ministry. It seems I hear from one or more of you everyday. I even appreciate those who hit "Reply" instead of "Forward." Don't be embarrassed. It shows me your reading and passing it on!! (And, I love you too).

Over the last four years since I left Brookwood Church, I have been working with churches all across the country along with Brett Eastman and Lifetogether Ministries. I had actually left Lifetogether in 2007 when my family moved from Orange County, California to Greenville, SC to take a position at Brookwood. So, I went back to work for the same guy I had stopped working for 8 years ago! And, yes, I know the definition of insanity.

Now, I am doing something new. I am going out on my own to work with churches. My first "client" is Chip Ingram and Venture Church in Los Gatos, California. They just launched 365 new groups (at last count) for Chip's new Holy Ambition study. Chip is great to work with, and we had a lot of fun in the studio together.

My mission is not working with more megachuches, even though I have worked with quite a few. Here's the list. I want to help all kinds of churches across the country. I am doing this by developing online courses, working with groups of pastors at a time, and then, working with a few churches individually. Oh, and I'm writing a book on launching small groups. If you go over to, you can sign up for my newsletter and download my ebook.

So, off I go, swinging from the trapeze without a net. That's kind of how I roll anyway.

Here's how you can help me:

1. Pray. Pray for the right opportunities. Also, pray for my family through this transition. It's a big step. Pray for pastors and churches, who are needing to make changes, but are reluctant to do so. Pray for church members who are stepping out to start or join groups this Fall. Since the beginning of the year, nearly 5,000 people have taken a step to LEAD a group in the church I've been working with.

2. Donate. While most of my consulting clients are paying customers, I have discovered a great deal of interest from missionaries and churches in other countries. The idea of creating curriculum not only in their own language, but also in the context of their culture is huge. When I get to a place where I can fully support my family with coaching clients, then I'll just help all of these folks for free. But, I'm not quite there. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to help one of these countries, please click this link:

Again, thanks for your continued support of this ministry.

God bless,

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