Jesus Loves Stubborn People (and Everybody Else Too)
By Allen White

Jesus loved the Pharisees, Sadducees and other religious leaders just as much as He loves you and me. The difference is that some of us were more fertile soil for Christ’s message (Matthew 13:1-23). The religious leaders were obviously hard ground – paved over, cemented shut, and covered in RoundUp. Nothing spiritual was growing there. Read more...
How Jesus is Like the Gator Boys
By Allen White
My son and I have gotten into a show on Animal Planet called Gator Boys. These guys rescue alligators from ponds, pools and other places gators happen to wander in Florida. They bring the gators back to their preserve where the animals live out their days.
The main technique in capturing alligators is to wear the animal out before they attempt to apprehend it. As they “work the gator,’ it grows tired, and eventually they can tape the mouth closed and haul it away in their pickup.
Every time the Gator Boys capture an alligator, one of them will turn up the animals snout and kiss it. My son asks, “Why do they kiss the gators?” Read more...
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Perfume
By Allen White

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