Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What Are Your Children Called to Do?

Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:51; 2:19

Twice in Luke chapter two, Mary “treasured” things that she witnessed about Jesus. The first was the angel’s announcement about God sending His Son to the world through Mary. The second was when Mary and Joseph returned to find Jesus speaking with the Rabbis in the temple. While Mary had indisputable evidence as to Jesus’ origin and purpose, the signs of His mission revealed even in His childhood were precious to her.

Your child is special, and not just the short bus variety (but some of us have those special ones too). God has a unique purpose for each of your children. God has given them talents and abilities to fulfill a calling in life that only they can do. Have you thought about that?

What is your child’s natural talent other than annoying his parents? What does she do that stands out? What are they naturally drawn toward? Can you never get them in the house? Can you never get them out? Does he like to take things apart and figure out how they work? Or, does she destroy things? Do your children sing? Do they tell jokes? Do they like to read?

I believe that part of our responsibility as parents is to expose our children to all kinds of things and see what they’re good at. That doesn’t mean to torment them with things you would like to see them do. If your future pro linebacker hates playing the piano, just save the money. You’ll need it for your grocery budget down the road.

Take time to notice your child’s likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. Then, pray for how God will use them in this world.

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